Saturday, August 22, 2009


Recently I have had the wonderful opportunity to learn some valuable business lessons—dealing with recent opposition to my company Flugelbauer Piano Supply. If you are planning on starting a business, especially a partnership, you will find the following tips very valuable:

Put Your Business In Writing

It may seem difficult, but put all of your ideas, and especially your agreements, in writing—even if it is as simple as hand-writing on a napkin

Protect Your Business Names And Marks

Register your business name with the United States Patent Office to ensure that you control ownership, and register your business with state and local authorities to ensure that you have legal control of your business

Get A Good Accountant

A good accountant is worth top-dollar not only because of the money they will save you on your taxes, but also because of the protection they can provide against the IRS and other accounting legal matters

Also, get a good accounting software (I recommend Quick Books) to keep track of your business expenses—this will keep your accounting bill down

Don't try and do your own business taxes—this will come back to haunt you

Get Legal Advice From An Attorney

Be careful when it comes to attorneys, they will do anything you pay them to, but what they may suggest might not be in your best interest—do your own homework and make sure that you are doing the right thing

Legal action is expensive and troublesome—make sure your attorney is clear about what you want to accomplish

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dr. Flugel's Action Caddie

Coming soon

Many of you have asked about the Flugelbauer grand-action caddie, which (FYI) is the grand piano action cart, designed to support a grand piano action out of the piano during a service.

The Flugelbauer action caddie also folds up for easy storage and includes a nylon case for easy transport.

The Flugelbauer action caddie enables you to set let-off outside the piano. The simulating-dip set-screws (located on the action caddie under the balance rail) can be adjusted to duplicate the same key travel as in the piano.

This is a must-have tool for any in-home, professional piano technician.

Good News!--The action caddie is on its way.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Flugelbauer, Flugelbauer, & More Flugelbauer

Thank you to all of the faithful Flugelbauer customers and fans. Flugelbauer would not be possible without the support of discriminating professionals. Flugelbauer started as a need to find a better tool, and with your help we hope to make Flugelbauer the number one stop for piano voicing tools and supplies.

Flugelbauer will also soon be offering action rebuilding, piano rebuilding, and a new piano line, which will be debuted this Spring.

Again, we here at Flugelbauer thank you for your help and support, your input and suggestions. We look forward to producing the finest piano products and services for generations to come.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A New Day For Flugelbauer

If you are looking for a Registered Piano Technician with the Piano Technicians Guild (PTG) follow the links. Finding a technician to service your piano is fairly easy with the easy search provided by the PTG

Flugelbauer Piano Supply is getting ready to launch a new line of products and services. Keep up with us as we journey into a whole new realm.

Friday, July 24, 2009

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Flugelbauer Google Group

Flugelbauer Google Group

Join Dr. Flugel and Flugelbauer Piano Supply® for discussions, updates, and information.


PTG Southeast Regional Conference (SERC)

Piano Technicians Guild
Southeast Regional Conference
October 1-4, 2009
Charlotte, North Carolina
"Committed to Growth"

John Ross Wilson RPT, Flugelbauer Piano Supply®, will be teaching and exhibiting at the Southeast Regional Conference. Can't wait to see you there.

Tone Regulation—Flugelbauer® Style (1 ½ hours)
Instructor: John Ross Wilson RPT

Beginning with a discussion on piano tone (vocabulary and ideals), this class will walk through the necessary procedures of quality, piano-tone building, and end with a demonstration on needling hammers. This class will include some hands-on, so come prepared to try a few things.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Removing A Fitted Pinblock

This year I have had the opportunity to replace ten pinblocks, and I have learned a few tricks along the way. One of the most valuable suggestions I would give to another technician is "use the right tool for the job." In the case of removing fitted pinblocks, use a jamb saw.

A jamb saw is a circular, flush-cut saw that is used for cutting the jamb and casing out of a door without marring the floor. A jamb saw allows you to get right down flush with what you are cutting without worry of nicking the surface you are cutting against.

When removing a fitted pinblock with a jamb saw, I would suggest the following steps:

1. Drill out the vertical dowels in the far right and left sides of the block
2. Clamp a stout guide above the stretcher (letting it overhang 1/8") that the jamb saw will follow--make sure your clams do not hang under the block in the path of the saw
3. Set the jamb saw 1/8" from flush
4. Cut the pinblock along the stretcher
5. Finish the corner cuts (along the stretcher) with a hand saw
6. Use a chisel to pop the under sides of the block along the case
7. Save the block (corners still in tact) as a reference
8. Smile, pat yourself on the back, wonder why you haven't thought of that before, and take a break--five minutes of hard work and you deserve it!

John Ross Wilson RPT
Flugelbauer® Piano Supply
aka Dr. Flugel

Flugelbauer Piano Supply PTG National Convention

I would like to thank all of you who came out to Grand Rapids, MI, to attend the National PTG Convention. I had a great time visiting with so many wonderful people. What a great opportunity it is for us to get together, share our knowledge, and support each other in our individual endeavors.

If you stopped by the Flugelbauer Piano Supply booth, you were able to see our current products. I am working on a few new products and services, so keep up with us.

Thanks again, and I'll see you in Charlotte, NC, in October.


John Ross Wilson RPT
AKA Dr. Flugel

Monday, May 18, 2009

Flugelbauer Sugar Coater

Flugelbauer KF Tool

Flugelbauer Drop-Screw Regulator

Flugelbauer Four-Needle Voicing Tool

Flugelbauer Requests

If there is something associated with piano technology that you would like to see demonstrated please suggest it. I am currently working on a short video clip for all of the Flugelbauer tools that are currently offered. Check back for more updates and please ask for something you would like to see demonstrated.

Flugelbauer Piano Supply

Dr. Flugel

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Flugelbauer Voicing Kit

What is Flugelbauer

Many people have asked me where I came up with the name for my piano supply company, Flugelbauer. Flugelbauer is a very old German word with not much of a current meaning. Flugel means wing, and bauer means builder or farmer.

A grand piano is referred to as a flugel, or wing, because of its shape. So Flugelbauer translates as wing farmer or piano builder. Flugel also refers specifically to a grand piano, as opposed to a klavier or vertical piano. So, Flugelbauer can translate to mean grand piano builder.

Flugelbauer, as a word, is currently rarely used--except in reference to Flugelbauer Piano Supply or Flugelbauer Voicing Tools in association with the piano technical industry.

There are very few grand piano builders, flugelbauers, left in the world. As a result, few Germans would know what a flugelbauer is. That makes flugelbauer even more unique and valuable as a trademark, distinguishing itself apart from other typical, normal, modern, piano tool companies.

John Wilson, Dr. Flugel